Gifts of Stocks and Securities

Gesher JDS welcomes gifts of stock or securities, which can be particularly advantageous to the donor.

For your convenience, we have provided instructions to help you with your gift:


LPL Corporation
DTC Number 0075
Gesher Jewish Day School
Account Number 5131-4432

Physical Certificate

Mail Certificate to:
LPL Financial
7630 Little River Turnpike, Suite 611
Annandale, VA 22003

  • The certificate must be signed by the individual(s) whose name(s) appear on the front of the certificate. The signature(s) must exactly match the name(s) as it is registered on the front of the certificate.
  • If the certificate is made out to anyone other than Gesher Jewish Day School, you will need to sign two easy forms that are available both from Gesher Business Office – call 703-962-9218 or 703-962-9213, and from LPL – call 703-354-3500 or email
  • Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC.

Please remember that stock transfers do not arrive with a name attached. Please contact our Development office to notify us of an incoming transfer at 703-962-9209 or