“I’ll never forget our 8th grade trip through Israel, especially the moment when we prayed Kabbalat Shabbat while overlooking the Kotel in Jerusalem. I think of it whenever I go to Friday night services in the United States- though we sing the same prayers, being in our Jewish homeland made it more meaningful and so much more spiritual for all of us” – Mollie Shichman, Gesher Alumna
In a typical year, Gesher extends the classroom well beyond our walls. Gesher students experience life and learning in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, TEVA at Pearlstone Retreat Center, Israel and more. It is through these experiences out in the world that Gesher students grow into confident, critical thinkers, ready for adventure and able to face challenges along the way.
6th grade
Students spend three nights at the Pearlstone Retreat Center while they participate in TEVA programming to learn more about stewardship of the earth, through experiential learning.
7th grade
Students take an overnight trip to Philadelphia and visit the National Museum of American Jewish History and other important landmarks in the birthplace of American democracy.
8th grade
The most highly anticipated trip is the eighth grade trip to Israel, which lasts two weeks. During that trip, our students strengthen their personal attachment to Israel as they figure out the role of Israel in their Jewish identity.