Our technology program is designed to prepare all students for life in the 21st century. Emphasizing safety and basic computer skills, this program allows students to achieve differentiated learning goals appropriate for each child. In addition to basic skills students are also encouraged to explore additional technology uses including video editing, design, and even desktop publishing.
In grades K-2, students and teachers have access to Chromebooks set up with their own G Suite for education account, Google Classroom, and age-appropriate educational applications (Readtheory, JiTap, Dreambox, etc.)
Gesher students in grades 3-8 own individual Chromebooks are an integral part of the learning experience. Students use their devices both at school and at home Their devices are used across the curriculum to enrich each student’s education with age-appropriate apps.
Note: All accounts are monitored through the application Blocksi and we regularly review activity across all grade levels.
Technology Cirriculum
Our technology curriculum is a constantly evolving set of values tailored to each grade and student. If you have any questions about specific technology learning milestones please reach out to Tuval Lifshitz, Coordinator of Technology.